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Beautiful Rainbow Lorikeets (PAIR)

Urgent Priority listingPrivate seller

These are gorgeous Lorikeets from the parrot place. They are nectar based birds, loving, friendly and caring. They are amazing creatures, but we feel with 2 cats, 4 kids under 6 and a working family with a home to look after. We can't spend time with them or look after them as much as we'd like. As these birds are 100% deserving of the attention they seek.

They can be taught to speak also !!! How cool is that?

To learn more about these majestic beauties, please look at the above link provided.

Pick up is from Manurewa
The price is only for bird.

The whole set up + foods etc can be negotiated. As the whole set up cost us almost $1700.

We wouldn't have asked to sell these, if our family also didn't require money during these hard times.

Hope everyone is kind, and fair about the sale.

Thanks heaps guys.

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Phone numberMDIxMTA5NjAyMw==
Account typePrivate seller
LocationManurewa, NORTH 2102
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